Ideas for This Year’s Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History: Virtual Challenge

MAY 13, 2020

Now that the 16th annual Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History has gone virtual, we’ve seen plenty of inspirational examples of how the community will “walk their way” for cystic fibrosis (CF) until the end of Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, May 31st. For everyone that has already committed to a Virtual Challenge, thank you! We love the creativity and support. If you haven’t registered for the Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History: Virtual Challenge, there is still time for you to register & start your fundraising efforts!

Need some inspiration for your own Virtual Challenge? Check out some great examples from our community below:

  • @KaidensCareKits will be shaving her head if she reaches her fundraising goal of $10,000!
  • @ekimregew’s son has decided that he will be rollerblading 65 km a week until the end of Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month.
  • @cfcanadasask Ella, from Saskatoon, will be going on a walk for her fundraising challenge.
  • @cf_scotia Khloe and Sara from Alberta have done a hula hooping and skipping rope session for their Virtual Challenge.
  • @Jeremy Hall will be organizing a Dungeons and Dragons live stream on May 31st!

In addition to these great virtual fundraising examples, you can challenge yourself or your family to the following:

  • A dance competition
  • A talent show
  • A push-up challenge
  • Drawing/ painting
  • A bike ride
  • A walk around the backyard/ neighbourhood

Have a challenge in mind? Be sure to share it with us on social media by using the official Walk hashtags, #WalkYourWay4CF and #walktomakecfhistory.

We need your support now more than ever. Your fundraising efforts will help us continue to invest in world-class research, advocate for better access to life-changing medications and fund clinical trials. You can help Canadians with cystic fibrosis live longer, healthier lives.