#FurtherTogether at the 2022 Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History
JUNE 2, 2022
What a day! Rain or shine, the cystic fibrosis community came back together in a big way for the 2022 Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History on Sunday, May 29, after two years of being fully virtual.
Across the country, the mood was positive and hopeful. Families, friends, teams, volunteers and sponsors came out to over 65 Walk locations in Canada. Some came with strollers, some with signage, and some sporting t-shirts – new, old, homemade or official Cystic Fibrosis Canada branded swag – all to signal their intention to go further for the cystic fibrosis community. It was an inspiring sight to see.
Fundraising and participation
Over 4,700 participants helped raise $2.4M (so far)! We are incredibly grateful for this community’s determination to improving the lives of people living with cystic fibrosis, and their commitment to honouring those who have lost their lives too young to this disease.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated by walking, fundraising or donating. By helping to raise awareness about what cystic fibrosis is, and why it matters so much that we go #furthertogether for CF research, advocacy and health care, you made change possible.
We had an incredible turn out of 670+ dedicated and hard-working volunteers, as well as Walk coordinators and staff, who spent many months planning, preparing and organizing the Walk events with great creativity and success.
These extraordinary efforts translate into life-changing support for those living with cystic fibrosis. And every dollar you helped raise is a meaningful contribution towards the future of this disease.
National and Regional Sponsors
Thank you to our national sponsors. Your participation helps us to go further together.
Presenting Sponsor Vertex, a global biotechnology company that aims to discover, develop and commercialize innovative medicines so people with serious diseases such as cystic fibrosis can lead better lives. This is Vertex’s sixth year supporting the Walk and we are very grateful for their continued commitment. We are delighted to welcome back Vertex as the Presenting Sponsor of the Walk. Thank you, Vertex.
TK Elevator Canada is part of the TKE Global. Their innovative, efficient and reliable vertical transportation systems have been moving people in Canada for nearly half a century. In 2017, Cystic Fibrosis Canada welcomed the company as a new fundraising partner. All 24 branches and 1,800 employees across the country are engaged in fundraising activities throughout the year. Over the past several years, TKE have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of Cystic Fibrosis Canada. We are excited to have TKE as a National Sponsor of the Walk. Thank you, TKE.
Kin Canada, our National Volunteer Partner, and Cystic Fibrosis Canada are celebrating an incredible 58-year partnership this year. Kinsmen and Kinettes have been raising funds and awareness for us since 1964 and have raised over $50 million for CF research and patient care. Thank you, Kin Canada, for everything you do to support those living with cystic fibrosis.
Every Walk across the country had their own local sponsors – from organizations who donated financial support to local businesses who chipped in with event supplies, food or activities to venues that made their beautiful spaces available to our community. We could not have done it without you!
Here are just some of the many wonderful sponsors who made this year’s Walk possible:
We’re not done!
Remember that, although the Walk has come and gone for this year, the Walk campaign remains open and funds can still be donated through the Walk website until Wednesday, August 31.