We’re Close to a Future W/O Limits—Will You Help Us Get There?

AUGUST 15, 2024

My name is Lauren Clift, and living with cystic fibrosis has taught me to cherish every breath and every step I take. Though the journey hasn’t always been easy, I’ve learned to dream of a future without the limits that CF can impose.

This month, I’m excited to be part of Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s push to recruit 75 new monthly donors by August 27. We’re getting close to our goal, but we’re not there yet. Every bit of support counts, and I’m asking you to join me in making a difference.

Why Your Support Matters

Your monthly donation fuels the critical research and advocacy that bring us closer to breakthroughs. It’s not just about hitting a number—it’s about ensuring that people like me can live fuller, richer lives. With your help, we can reach a future where CF no longer defines our limits.

As a thank you for your commitment, Cystic Fibrosis Canada will send you a W/O Limits sticker. Display it proudly—it represents the hope and change you’re helping to create.

Let’s Achieve This Together

I’m so grateful for the support our community has shown, but we still need your help. Will you become a Breath of Life monthly donor today? Together, we can reach our goal and take one step closer to a life W/O Limits for everyone with CF.

Thank you for standing with us and believing in a future where we all can live W/O Limits.

P.S. Your support could be the breakthrough someone needs today. Let’s not stop until everyone in our community can live a life free from the confines of CF. Please join us before the August 27 deadline.

By Lauren Clift, Advocate and Community Member