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Open Letter to Grocers: Cystic Fibrosis Canada's Call For Safer Shopping
April 17, 2020

An open letter to Canadian grocers:

I am writing on behalf of 4,300 Canadians who live with cystic fibrosis, a fatal, progressive, genetic condition.  Due to risk of respiratory infections, the health of people with cystic fibrosis is extremely vulnerable during this time of COVID-19, and they need your help.

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COVID-19 & Cystic Fibrosis Canada: A Message from the Board of Directors
April 3, 2020

Dear Members and Friends of Cystic Fibrosis Canada,

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an abrupt and unprecedented impact on the entire world. We have all had to shift the way we go about our daily lives, as family members, colleagues, volunteers and staff.

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COVID-19 Update from Kelly Grover
March 27, 2020

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Cystic Fibrosis Canada continues to follow directives from the Public Health Agency of Canada, and all CF Canada offices have closed, with staff working from home until April 30th.

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COVID-19 update from Kelly Grover
March 16, 2020

Cystic Fibrosis Canada is closely monitoring developments relating to COVID-19 in Canada. We understand this is a time of concern for many members of our community. CF Canada President & CEO Kelly Grover provides an update...

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Update about COVID-19
March 4, 2020

While public health officials are actively monitoring the risk of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, Cystic Fibrosis Canada has consulted with members of the CF clinical community about its potential impact on people living with cystic fibrosis.

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The Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History Goes to Machu Picchu
June 1, 2018

TORONTO  (June 1, 2018) – Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s largest fundraising event, The Walk to Make Cystic Fibrosis History, will go to new heights in 2019 with a trek to Machu Picchu in Peru. The week long journey begins on May 25, 2019 and is organized through Charity Challenge, the world's leading tour operator, running overseas fundraising challenges.

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Cystic Fibrosis Canada asks for more than hope
May 2, 2018

May 2, 2018 (TORONTO) – Cystic Fibrosis Canada (CF Canada) is launching a national campaign this May, Cystic Fibrosis Awareness Month, to call on the government to make life-changing medications accessible for those who need it. Currently, a life-changing medication called Orkambi has the potential to benefit 2,100 of the 4,200 Canadians who live with cystic fibrosis (CF). Unfortunately, without public funding, many people with CF cannot access it despite its approval by Health Canada and doctors prescribing it.


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