Alexie’s story: Focusing on the here and now
January 31, 2025Share this:
Alexie Babin is 24 years old and has been living with cystic fibrosis (CF) her entire life. She says that some days she wakes up ready to take on the world, but others, CF makes even getting out of bed feel like climbing a mountain. “But if there’s one thing CF has taught me,” says Alexie, “It’s to keep going even when it feels impossible.”
Alexie recalls being sick often as she was growing up and couldn’t understand why her body was so different from other kids’. When she finally got her diagnosis, she says she felt a weird mix of relief of having found answers and anger.
“I still feel that anger sometimes,” she says. “CF has taken a lot from me. As I get older, I can feel my body slowing down. I used to work out seven days a week, now I’m lucky if I can manage four or five days. But instead of feeling defeated, I’ve started to focus on new things, like learning to cook. I guess CF has taught me to adapt, to keep finding joy wherever I can.”
CF doesn’t just affect one person. It affects everyone around us. That’s why I believe so deeply in sharing my story, because none of us should have to go through this alone.
Alexie Babin, Big sis, Daughter and CF Advocate
Alexie says that one thing she finds hard to talk about is how much cystic fibrosis affects her mental health. “Living with a chronic illness means constantly battling anxiety and fear. I think a lot about the future. What will my health look like? Will I get to achieve my dreams?”
Despite sometimes feeling overwhelmed by these worries, over the years she’s found ways to cope. She credits the social workers and mental health team at her CF clinic as “lifesavers”. They’ve taught her to take things one day at a time, to focus on the here and now instead of what might happen down the road.
What does a future without limits look like? Alexie imagines a life where people with CF aren’t held back by the boundaries this disease places on them; a life with improved health, longer life expectancy and fewer burdens from treatments and medications. “For me,” says Alexie, “It’s a future where I can become a nurse, build a career and create a family of my own. It’s about having the energy to do the little things, like going to the gym or spending time with friends without worrying about what my body can handle.”
Alexie knows how important it is to fund programs that make this future possible. “The high standard of mental health support, social workers and care resources I’ve had access to have been life-changing for me and my family. Every contribution helps bring us closer to a world where people with CF can access healthcare without limits so that they can live a life without limits.”
Alexie shared her story to help generate awareness and funds in support of our campaign to raise $30K by Rare Disease Day on February 28, 2025.
Donate now to help Alexie and people like her thrive with the best possible healthcare.
Learn more about Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s Healthcare Program