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CF Canada

Saying Farewell to Three Inspiring Board Members

May 11, 2023

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Leona Pinsky, Ian Thompson and Stuart Hodge

Cystic Fibrosis Canada has said goodbye to three directors, who have all helped change the landscape for people living with CF in Canada during their time on our board. Leona Pinsky, Ian Thompson and Stuart Hodge have been dedicated members of our board and community for decades and their terms have recently come to an end. 


Leona, who most recently served as board chair since 2020, joined CF Canada in 2012 after more than 30 years as an active volunteer leader in her community. She co-founded the 65 Roses Gala and Gearup4CF, recognizing that fundraising and awareness efforts could help improve the quality of life for her daughter, Rina, and other Canadians faced with such a heavy treatment burden at the time. So far, these two events have raised more than $7 million for Cystic Fibrosis Canada. During her time on the board, Leona brought best practices in governance and also ensured the voices of people living with CF was considered in all the work we do. She was Vice-Chair and Chair of the Governance committee before she became board chair.  


Stuart has two nieces who have cystic fibrosis and has been involved in fundraising since moving to Canada in 2002 including events such as Great Strides and the Ottawa 65 Roses Gala. As an active volunteer, he is past President of the Ottawa Chapter of Cystic Fibrosis Canada and was on the research advisory council and the governance committee. Stuart has been a great champion of CF Canada’s work in local communities and volunteered his time with many events. He recently received CF Canada’s Volunteer Excellence Award for his commitment.  


Ian Thompson has been engrained in the CF community since the late 70s, when his two children, Rob and Jane, were diagnosed with the disease. Ian is a past president of the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (now CF Canada) where one of his highlights includes helping recruit Mila Mulroney as Honourary Chair. He also became involved internationally and was named president of the International Cystic Fibrosis Association. In 1985, Ian and his wife Donna founded the Danny Gallivan Golf Tournament, and it continues to raise money and awareness, celebrating its 39th year this July. Ian was on the board’s fundraising and strategic planning committees and always brought thoughtful insight to his work. Sadly, he and Donna lost Rob in 1998 at the age of 23, and Jane, in 2003, at the age of 26, to the disease. 

We are immensely grateful for the commitment Leona, Ian and Stuart have given to Canadians living with cystic fibrosis and know they will still be involved with this community. Thank you all.