Donor frequently asked questions
Thank you so much for your support and commitment. We’ve created these FAQs to help answer the most common questions we receive. If you don’t find an answer to your inquiry below, please contact us at 1-800-378-2233 or We’re here to help.

How can I donate to Cystic Fibrosis Canada?
You can donate online, over the phone or through the mail.
Phone: 1-800-378-2233
Mail your donation to:
Cystic Fibrosis Canada
20 Eglinton Avenue West, Suite 1305
Toronto, Ontario M4R 1K8
How do I contact you?
For general questions, please contact us at 1-800-378-2233 or
For specific questions, see our Contact page for a convenient web form for any type of question.
What is Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s charitable registration number?
10684-5100 RR0001
Is there a minimum donation amount to receive a tax receipt?
The minimum amount to automatically receive a tax receipt is $20. However, upon request we will issue a tax receipt for any amount.
Can I limit the amount of mail I receive?
Absolutely you can – we know some donors prefer to receive all of our requests and others prefer to receive only one mailing. Let us know your preference by contacting us at 1-800-378-2233 or
Do you share my name with other organizations?
In order to help the cost of finding new donors, Cystic Fibrosis Canada sometimes exchanges its mailing list with other organizations. The organizations we share with adhere to the same ethical data practices as we do. They are only able to use the information to reach with one donation appeal, and are not permitted to keep your information outside of that use. We give our donors the option to remove themselves from this program on all our mailings. If you would prefer not to have your name included in this program, please contact Donor Services at at 1-800-378-2233 or
Can I get a replacement for my tax receipt?
We’d be happy to provide you with a duplicate tax receipt. Please contact our Donor Services team at 1-800-378-2233 or
Where can I register to participate in the Walk To Make Cystic Fibrosis History?
We’re so excited you’ve decided to participate in this year’s Walk. You can register at our dedicated website.
How can I fundraise for you?
To host an event like a golf tournament, bake sale or run a marathon please visit our Change Makers page to register. Our team will then be in touch to talk you through the next steps.
You can create a memorial page, honour a person, or celebrate a special event or milestone by visiting our dedicated tribute page.
Can I cancel my Breath of Life monthly donation any time?
Yes you can. While we would be very sorry to lose you as a Breath of Life monthly donor, we understand that circumstances change and are happy to help you in any way. We can also change the amount of your monthly donation to a lower amount or put your gifts on hold for a period of time as an alternative to cancelling.
Whatever you decide, please contact us at or call our donor care team at 1-800-378-2233.
Please ensure you provide all relevant information in your request (full name, mailing address with postal code, phone number and gift amount) to help us identify your record in our database.
When will I receive my tax receipt for my monthly donations?
Consolidated tax receipts for monthly donations are sent out each year in February by mail or email. Mailed receipts are sent via Canada Post, so there may occasionally be delays outside of our control.
If your tax receipt hasn’t arrived by March 1, please contact our Donor Services team at or to confirm your contact details and request a new receipt.
How can I update my credit card or personal information?
If you have moved and would like to update your mailing address for your tax receipt, please contact us at 1-800-378-2233 or
We strongly discourage sending your payment information via email as it is not secure.
How can I donate securities?
You can find step by step instructions on how to complete your gift of publicly traded securities on this site.
How do I leave a gift in my will to Cystic Fibrosis Canada?
Making a gift in your estate plans is an easy and powerful way to leave a legacy that will continue to have an impact for generations to come. Learn more.
Where can I find your financial statements?
You can find our most recently audited financial statements on this site.