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We love our CF researchers!

We could never have improved the lives of Canadians living with cystic fibrosis as much as we have over the last 65 years without the skills, dedication and innovation of CF researchers. We are grateful to every lab and researcher who contribute regularly to our increased knowledge of this disease and our progress toward easing its burden.

Group of scientists in a lab

Research leads to lives without limits

Cystic Fibrosis Canada funds research that tackles the health-related issues that are important to our Canadian CF community, builds on the current knowledge base and accelerates the impact of CF research in Canada. We are committed to maintaining and future-proofing the Canadian CF research capacity through strategic funding and bringing the right people together in the right ways to build and maintain Canada’s robust and dynamic CF research environment. 

Funding opportunities  

In addition to our annual open-call grant competition, early career investigator awards and research fellowships, in 2023 we introduced new small and large grants, including team grants, to researchers who are addressing priority needs, taking innovative approaches, partnering with others to explore new avenues or deepening existing knowledge about the disease and how to treat it. 

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Basic Science Research Grants

To support innovative basic science research projects that improve our understanding of CF and/or have a significant impact on the concepts, methods, treatments, and/or technologies applicable to CF. Valued at up to $100,000 per year for up to 3 years.  

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Clinical Research Grants

To support clinical research projects that: improve the health and quality of life of CF patients and/or bridge the gap between research and clinical care. Valued at up to $100,000 per year for up to three years.  

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Seed Grants

Seed Grants are valued at up to $50,000 for up to 1 year to study a new, innovative research idea for which the researcher doesn’t yet have preliminary data or other research funding. The goal of the Seed Grants program is to support researchers to develop initial data on innovative new high risk, high reward research projects that can then be used to apply for new funding from other sources. 

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Team Grants  

Team Grants are valued up to $2 million over four years. This new approach is a focused effort that will see a team working together to tackle a single topic of importance to the CF community. This year the grant will focus on improving airway infection detection. Impact-focused by nature, team grants are designed to galvanize collaboration and speed up the pace of discovery.

Training awards

Training awards provide salary support and in some cases research laboratory support for researchers at specific stages in their career to help develop the next generation of Canadian CF researchers and clinicians.

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Early Career Investigator Awards

An independent researcher who has not held a Cystic Fibrosis Canada grant in the past and has held his/her first full- time academic or research appointment for a period no longer than 60 months are eligible to apply. 

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Research Fellowship Awards

Individuals who hold MD or PhD degrees and who, as first-time applicants as of the application deadline, have completed less than four years of training after completing their PhD or post-MD clinical training, are eligible to apply. 

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Clinical Fellowship Awards

Canadian citizens or permanent residents who have an MD degree, have recently completed their clinical training, are exam eligible, and have obtained medical licensure in Canada, are eligible to apply. 

More information on funding opportunities

Please see our Grants and Awards Guidelines and learn more about Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s research strategy.

Applications and forms

The table below details the Grants & Awards available and the approximate deadlines for 2024. 

Further details on the Research Grants & Awards Program are available in the 2024-25 Grants & Awards Guide. 

CF CanACT Clinical Trials Network

The Cystic Fibrosis Canada Accelerating Clinical Trials network (CF CanACT) increases access to clinical trials to provide earlier access to future therapies for Canadians with CF. Operating at ten sites (13 CF clinics) across Canada and hosting pharmaceutical, observational and investigator trials, the network is directly accessible to 60% of the Canadian CF population, and to all Canadians with CF via the referral program.

Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Registry

Cystic Fibrosis Canada has maintained the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Registry since the 1970s with the goal of monitoring important clinical trends in the Canadian CF population. As the majority of CF patients attend one of 40 CF clinics (paediatric and adult) within Canada, the Registry gives a comprehensive picture of the cystic fibrosis population in Canada and can be a vital resource for researchers.


Cystic Fibrosis Canada’s Elevate program is a virtual volunteer initiative that enables Canadians living with cystic fibrosis and their families to share their unique experiences, perspectives, and priorities to help shape our work and research projects. If you would like to have Elevate members participate or provide feedback to your research project via surveys, focus group or more, please reach out to