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What to pack for a hospital stay

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For some Canadians with cystic fibrosis (CF), a hospital stay can be a routine part of CF care. In fact, in 2021, Canadians with CF spent nearly 16,000 days in the hospital. Here are some packing ideas for how to make your hospital stay feel a bit more like home.

Comfort items:

Fuzzy blanket

Favourite pillow (bring more than one!)

Slippers (with grips)

Games and activities to help pass the time, such as:

Art and craft supplies (adult colouring book, pencil crayons, etc.)

Deck of cards

Book (Ask your local library if it has a book loaning app, such as the “Libby” app, so you can have unlimited books on your device)

Small coffee machine with pods for easy coffee

Clothes packing list:

Comfortable clothes (sweatpants, hoodies, etc.)


Clean socks and underwear

Clean shirts

Toiletries packing list:

Toothbrush and toothpaste

Shampoo and conditioner

Flip flops for the shower

Lip chap


Snacks (Ask your clinic team if you have access to a fridge in your room)


If you’re staying in the same room for the duration of your stay, bring some décor to personalize it:

Photos of your loved ones

Art that brings you joy

Painter’s tape or putty for hanging or sticking items to walls and IV pole

Bring tools for light exercise including a yoga mat, running shoes or exercise bands. (Pro tip: Consult your physiotherapist for exercise ideas)

Electronics (Make sure you put away if you ever step out of your room to avoid theft):

Phone or tablet with stand for hands-free watching

Download your favourite movies or television shows to your phone or tablet

Pack a stand for easy viewing (Ask your team if your hospital has free Wi-Fi)


Extension cord

Charging cords for devices

Small Bluetooth speaker (if you have a private room)

Pens, paper or notepad to help keep track of any health-related information you’d like to write down

Medications and devices (Ask your team what medications, if any, will NOT be supplied)

Kids stuff: Activity book, games, arts and crafts if your child is coming to visit you in the hospital

Ways to support your loved one when they are in the hospital

Bring them snacks or a food gift card for a break from hospital food

Swap out their dirty laundry for clean laundry

Set up a group Facetime call with friends and family

Pick them up on passes from the hospital

Help manage daily activities while they’re away:

Clean the house

Pick up groceries or cook a meal

Check the mailbox

Care for pets