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Meet Annie

June 13, 2023

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Annie celebrating grad with her son

When my son was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis 16 years ago, we felt alone in the world of CF. Although we knew that there was a beautiful community to be a part of, it seemed so inaccessible to us at the time.

As we became more involved in events to raise funds for CF, we began to find our place within Cystic Fibrosis Canada and the CF community. It was through becoming a member of Elevate that we began to feel like we could express ourselves and our story more.

Elevate has given me and my family the opportunity to share our story with professionals who want to improve our lives. The Elevate program allows us to engage with others who are affected by the disease and share our ideas on how we can make an impact with the support of CF Canada.

Sign up here to join Annie and other members of our community and become an Elevate member today.